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HRCBM in Brief

HRCBM is a registered under 501 C (3) Charitable Organization in USA and an NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN. It is also registered in many countries as an International NGO including Bangladesh, India and various countries of Europe.

It is an advocacy organization and a platform for worldwide campaigning movement dedicated to protecting the human rights of people in Bangladesh. In particular, HRCBM work for marginalized people of Bangladesh including minorities. We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct, and to bring offenders to justice.

We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. We demand government and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. We follow the guideline enshrined in UDHR, International Bill of Rights and other standards. In general we are working to end xenophobia, human rights abuse, racial discrimination, civil resentment, brutality and oppression against minorities in Bangladesh.

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HRCBM is Guidestar Gold-Transparency rated charitable organization under 501 C(3), your donation is fully tax deductible. 
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Our Mission

We are a human rights organization and has no political interest of any sorts, however we will oppose any government law that discriminate minorities including 8th amendment of Bangladesh constitution and vested property act. Racial discrimination and xenophobia in Bangladesh must be ended and any offender who has committed human rights abuse against minorities should be prosecuted. We will pursue our activities through worldwide campaign and followed by appeal to government of Bangladesh and world leaders to end human rights abuses in Bangladesh.

The Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities is a world-wide organization that aims to:

  1. Promote Human Rights, help stop human rights abuses against minorities in Bangladesh and bring offenders to justice for their criminal conducts of present and past.
  2. Encourage and promote world wide campaign on “THE PLIGHTS OF BANGLADESH MINORITIES”.
  3. Provide all required humanitarian assistance to Refugees and destitute minorities of Bangladesh.
  4. Provide required assistance to the organizations/individual serving Destitute Bangladesh Minorities.
  5. Encourage communication and collaboration among the organizations serving Bangladesh Minorities.
  6. Work with UN to help the oppressed Bangladesh Minorities and provide assistance to improve their living condition and safeguard them to live enjoying full rights as enshrined in UDHR.
  7. Ensure and monitor that Bangladesh government implements UDHR in its entirety and record any violation of such guideline.
  8. Work with International community to ensure that Bangladesh government enforces laws of International norm and safe guard Bangladesh minorities irrespective any political situation and provides dignity and recognition to minorities in Bangladesh. This includes but not limited to immediate abolishment of any discriminatory act written and unwritten.
  9. Encourage individuals/organizations to continue uninterrupted social service specific to the well being of Bangladesh Minorities.
  10. Provide all required services to families belonging to Bangladesh Minorities at home and abroad.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We are looking for sponsors to support our activities. For details, please contact us at 4085209576 or email us at .

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